- Musica Maestro -

Massimiliano Beneggi

18 Apr 2022

Gianni Ferrio, music for dialogue and narration

A true Maestro, you know, is not only on TV, but especially in the theatre.


Diego Cignitti

23 Feb 2022

Jazz Composition and Arrangement - Analysis of some Gianni's musical arrangements

Saint Louis College of Music in Rome (2017)
Diego's recollection while researching for his thesis and analysing Gianni's sheet music
"The experience with Alba Arnova, Gianni Ferrio's life partner, who hosted me in his home, was one of the strongest things I remember.
Certainly because it came at a time when I was very young: I was twenty years old and had the freshest, most naive, holy inexperience in my eyes.
Meeting Alba was an encounter not only between two people but also between two generations.
She did not (almost never) burden me with my acerbity and those times she did, it was only for good, to push me to be better.
Of Alba I remember that, despite not being able to see very well due to a severe maculopathy, she seemed younger than me, had a fresher mind than mine, hope for the future, open-mindedness about any discourse we faced. So in Alba I found not a disillusioned old lady but an 86-year-old girl who gave me a lot of hope for the future and a lot of strength.
The research we did for her husband's sheet music was a chance to touch the history of Italian music. I was privileged to have before my eyes copies of legendary scores, for example that of Mina's unforgettable concert at 'La Bussola' or Mina's more recent album 'Sconcerto' from 2001.
These were finds that we can now consider to belong to the mythology of Italian music, both because of the time that has passed but also because of the value they have; an absolute historical and cultural value.
Another feeling I remember is how strong the union between Alba and Gianni was. A genuine love in my eyes that had surpassed time and even the denial of absence.
To see Alba moved while listening to her husband's songs was something truly touching.
Once she told me she couldn't take it any more and invited me to come back the next day (she was exhausted).
The last time I saw Alba, unfortunately, she was in hospital; nevertheless, she wanted to know everything about the work I was doing: she dictated the preface of my research paper to me while she was in bed and wanted to know how the thesis was laid out.
She had a zest for life that went beyond the limitations and difficulties of age. She has remained in my heart not only for the cultural and research activity we carried out but above all for the human experience; an experience that I still feel alive within me as well as the memory of her and Gianni Ferrio.
I shared wonderful hours with her, important for my growth as a human being and musician."


- Il Giornale di Vicenza -

Antonio Stefani

17 Apr 2015

The jazz step for the music gentleman on TV

Gianni Ferrio 're-evoked' in his big hits honed to Mina, Quartetto Cetra, Dorelli and in happy instrumental pages thanks to Martin and excellent vocals.


- Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza -

15 Apr 2015

Homage to Gianni Ferrio

An evening of honor for Maestro Gianni Ferrio entitled "Now or never" at the Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza on 15 April 2015.

On stage the Jazz Vicenza Orchestra of Martin, Bruno Conte and Claudia Valtinoni. Narrator by Amanda Sandrelli on texts by Stefano Ferrio.

Ora o mai più, Piccolissima Serenata, Lady bossa nova, Non cantare spara, Una donna, una storia, Quando mi dici così, Non gioco più, Soliloquio, Trasparenze e Parole parole were songs executed during the event.

Massimiliano Pani

15 Apr 2015

A musical hero

Recollection of Massimiliano Pani published on 15 April 2015 on the occasion of the honorary evening at the Teatro Comunale di Vicenza


Enrico Vanzina

23 Oct 2013

Maestro Ferrio, elegant artist

Gianni Ferrio was a special musician.
But above all he was a special man. Intelligent, polite, reserved, witty, loyal, capable of enthusiastically giving his friendship.
He also possessed another gift that made him wonderful: he was elegant, indeed very elegant.
And by elegant I mean not only his outward manners, but first and foremost those of his soul....


- Mina Mazzini -

4 Mar 2002

Interview with Gianni Ferrio

Gianni Ferrio or 'the inevitability of making music'.
Gianni Ferrio or 'Improvvisamente', 'Ora o mai più' (Suddenly), 'Ora o mai più' (Now or never) and so many other wonderful musical games up to 'Non gioco più' (I don't play any more) and then again with Mina 'Dalla terra' (From the earth).
Gianni Ferrio companion of Mina's long and fruitful musical journey, witness of her entering, peeking out from behind a juke box, into the lives of Italians that, at least musically, would never be the same as before...

25 Mar 2025

Biography of Alba

Born in Argentina to Italian parents (father a passionate musicologist engineer and mother a concert harpist), she became very popular in the 1950s as a ballet dancer. Very young, she was étoile and then prima ballerina at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires in the second half of the 1940s... She took the decision to leave show business after marrying composer Gianni Ferrio.


Gianni Ferrio or 'the inevitability of making music'

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